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1.0: Promotion of life skill



1.1 Good leadership, team work, positive relationship, self worth and Confidence

Ø  Explain the importance of Good leadership, team work, positive relationship, self worth and Confidence

Ø  Demonstrate:

q  Good leadership

q  Team work

q  Positive relationship

q  Self worth

q  Confidence

Meaning of life skills

Skills: Is the ability of doing something well

Life skills

Is the ability of a person to live well in the society


Is the ways through which a person can live well in a society or can manage well his or her life and that of other people.

Ø  Promotion of life skills: Is very important in modern society because of prevailing social, economic, political changes that have been accelerated by scientific and technological advancement.

Ø  The undergoing changes require good leadership, teamwork, positive relationship, self worth and self-confidence from among the member of the society.


Ø  Leadership

Ø  Is the ability of an individual to influence motives and enables others to contribute the success of other organization of which they are members


Ø  Is the situation whereby somebody is given a position to direct other people, groups, country or organization by showing the way to achieve stated goals.

Ø  A leader

Ø  Is a person who leads a group of people or country or an organization

Ø  A leader can either be elected by people or appointed according to the laws of the country or organization.


  1. To make decisions on behalf of the community
  2. To unite the followers
  3. To formulate problem solving strategies
  4. To mobilize the community to create and implementing various projects


  1. A good leader should have confidence
  2. A good leader should be able to create an idea
  3. A good leader should be able to identify good opportunities
  4. A good leader should have a vision a good leader should be wise
  5. A good leader should have integrity
  6. A good leader should be charismatic


  1. Dictatorial leadership/ dictator leadership

Is the type of leadership whereby leaders come into power by busing force and supported by armed forces. Sometimes a dictator is changed after being elected.

ii. Democratic leadership/Participative leadership

Is the type of leadership whereby the leaders are obtained through democratic process such as free and fair elections

iii. Autocratic leadership

This type of leadership is characterized by central authority. All the powers are controlled by bone individual, a leader can give withhold rewards or punishment

iv. Laisserz-fair leadership

This is the type of leadership where the leader is really not in control. The leader is only consulted if information is required, and he or she can make only small contribution. This type of leadership gives chance for the subordinates to decide on their own.


  1. Promotes social and economic development
  2. Promotes efficiency and effectiveness of work
  3. Ensure peace and security
  4. Enhances public relations in a community
  5. Enhances people’s confidence


A set of persons working together with a team sprit.

Ø  A team sprit means willingness to act for a group rather than an individual benefit


  1. A good and strong leadership

Each team member will be encouraged to share thoughts and opinions as well as skills, the leader will be responsible for final decisions and implementations that are made.

ii. Goal setting

A team should set its goals. Team members should understand their roles and responsibilities

iii. Communication

Team members must communicate all aspects of projects and be willing to listen to each other. The lines of communication should be open at all times and to all team members.

iv. Unifying commitment

 this does not means that all individuals agree on everything. It means that all individuals must be directing their efforts towards the goal.

v. Conflict resolution

The best way to counter conflict is to have structured methods of conflict resolution. Team members should be able to voice concerns with out fear of offending others.

vi. Collaborative

vii. Competent team members


  1. It help to save time
  2. It enable individuals to gain more knowledge and skills
  3. It stimulate co-operation and positive relation among people
  4. It enable people in group to perform work effectively
  5. Make easy accomplishment of tasks
  6. It raise awareness of accountability and responsibility of an individual



Is a way in which people, group or countries behave towards or deal with other. The relationship can be economical, cultural, political and even socially

Positive relationship

Is the state of having meaningful love, supportive and cooperative relationship between two or more people or groups. Building positive relationship is very important because we depend on each other


  1. Unity will be created
  2. It provides space for people to work together
  3. It allow people of different background to support each other
  1. It enhances cooperation among people in the society
  2. It help community members to live peacefully
  3. It promotes mental health of individuals and society by living a happy life with out stress

                            QUALITIES OF A POSITIVE RELATION SHIP

  1. Mutual respect

          is the situation where by people value one another their ideas contribution or impales

  1. Trust

     refers to the confidence acceptance and appreciation of other groups, or institutions

It help people to work together effectively and benefit from each other

  1. Diversity

      this is a situation where people of different backgrounds races classes ethical or religious official are able is live together as human being

iv. Empathy

This is the ability to recognize and relate to other people emotions and thoughts

> Helps to build positive relation ship

> Helps people to live together in peace and harmony


iv. Effective listening

     this refers to listening and understanding what are hear

> It makes people supported and valued

Ø  Helps in developing relationship and successful interaction

vi. Mindfulness

     means being careful with one words oclions and inactions. Unexamined spoken words actions and inactions can be harmful in building positive relationship


Is the feeling and trusting your self in whatever you do that you are good useful and competent.


Is the internal sense of being good enough valuing oneself as being worth of love and belonging.

Ø  Is an emotional outlook that determine how and what you feed about your self in compulsion to other people

v. Effective listening

     this refers to listening and understanding what are hear

> It makes people supported and valued

Ø  Helps in developing relationship and successful interaction

vi. Mindfulness

     means being careful with one words oclions and inactions. Unexamined spoken words actions and inactions can be harmful in building positive relationship


Is the feeling and trusting your self in whatever you do that you are good useful and competent.


Is the internal sense of being good enough valuing oneself as being worth of love and belonging.

Ø  Is an emotional outlook that determine how and what you feed about your self in compulsion to other people

Ø  v. Determines psychological wellbeing

Ø  Self-worth protects us from different types of mental illness and emotional problems such as depression, anxiety and relationship challenges

Ø  vi. Make one more resistant during setbacks

Ø  When you feel good about who you are, you will not consider yourself a failure even after something you have attempted did not succeed. When bad things happen you deal with them and move on, when you fail, you accept the failure and find an alternative.

Ø  vii. Helps to reduce risky behaviours

Ø  Self-worth helps individual to avoid risky behaviours such as drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, and smocking. People who value themselves are always determined and focused to achieve a bright


Is a belief in one’s own abilities to do tings and become successful.

Ø  It refers to the appreciation of the qualities that you have and believing that you are worthy of all the good thing in your life.


  1. Develop one’s personality
  2. Improve one’s self worth
  3. Improve one’s peace mind
  4. Makes one to be resistant
  5. Helps to overcomes problems


Ø  Are necessary for adopting to the current changing world and adding value to an individual in order to become competitive in current world.

Ø  Refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work, habits and character traits that are believed to be critically important succeed in today’s world.

Ø  One of the differences between the skills prior to those of the 21st century is the huge advancement in information and communication technologies.

Ø  The 21st century skills can be examined from the perspective of:

  1. Literacy skills
  2. Learning skills
  3. Life skills


Aimed at enabling one’s mental process to a adopt and improve upon existing knowledge or new environment. Learning skills comprise of comprise of four knowledge areas

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Creative thinking
  3. Collaborative
  4. Communication

 is the ability of assessing information and using it to solve problems. Critical thinking will enable you to find solutions to emerging problems and to promote personal growth and happiness.

Ø  It includes qualities like

  1. Fairness and opening mindedness
  2. Activeness and being informed
  3. Willingness to question or to ascertain a certain doubt
  4. Being independent and assessing values


Refers to new ways of seeing or doing things. It includes generating new ideas, flexibility, originality and elaboration.

Ø  Creative thinking will enable you to think and find alternative ways of addressing emerging challenges and open more opportunities outside of the common one’s.


Is the ability to effectively work together with others. This emphasizes cherishing interpersonal skills and working with others in attaining individual, community or organizational goal.

Ø  It also helps to effectively expand cultural, social and environmental boundaries and understanding society.


Refers to the ability to express one’s opinions, desire needs and apprehension, verbally and non-verbally. It focuses on enabling you to share proper information on goals in a timely and correct manner.

Ø  Communication skills are very important in the 21st century since it enables one to use communication devices and platforms effectively. 


These are skills needed for reading and writing. They include sucj things as a awareness of the sounds of languag, awareness of print and relationship between letters and sounds. Other literacy skills include vocabulary, spelling and comprehension. Literacy skills includes;

  1. Information literacy
  2. Media literacy
  3. Technological literacy


The 21st century is characterized by rapid flow of information, source of information and overwhelming amounts of information  which can either be correct or false. Creative skills and ability to work with information sources, storage, application and communication are important for maximizing the benefit of the information



Involves the capacity to identify different types of media and information sources and how to convey them to the public. Media encompasses print media such as news per, magazine and posters, social media.

Media literacy is about helping you become competent, critical and literate in media forms so that you can control interpretation of information you see or hear


Technology skills refers ti the ability of an individual to interact and complete tasks using computer-based technologies and other associated technologies. Some of the activities which require technology skills to efficiently accomplish include

  1. Mathematical
  2. Mechanical
  3. Scientific
  4. Information technology


One is required to have the ability to sustain the complexity of life and work environment in the world of collaboration and competition. Qualities that can assist you to meet life and career challenges includes

a)       Flexibility

b)      Initiative

c)       Productivity


Means to have ability to adjust to changes and adopt to new situations. Flexibility helps to develop a mind-set of readiness in a complex situation; to accept without discomfort unexpected situation


Are key to individual struggles to master the environment especially in the world where the employment rate has dropped due to advancement of science and technology


Highly productive people are those who can work hard and manage challenges that occur. To be a highly productive person you have to get things done timely by doing your time and mental effort.

Also, productivity is achieved by planning your activities, being focused on your goals or institutional goals, being creative and achieving your goals.


Are essential in building both personal and professional relationships. Demonstrating strong interpersonal and interpersonal skills can help you accomplish the set individual or institutional goals.

Social skills help in communicating individual and institutional goals. Social skills assist an individual to gain new ideas, information, technique and perspectives from people with different expertise


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