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Geography notes for secondary school

 Geography notes for secondary school | Form one to form four notes geography| Competence based notes for geography subject

 Geography subject is a subject that deals with interrelationship between human being and environment. etymologically the word geography originated from Latin word Geo and graphene which means description of the earth. Therefore, these subject deals with study of the earth and humankind.

Geography is categorized into three branches which are physical geography, human geography and practical geography. 

Geography has three branches which are physical geography, human and economic geography and practical geography. All these branches play a crucial role to our community.

Physical geography deals with various physical features and various phenomenon found in our environment such as soil erosion, landslide, earthquake and volcanic eruption.

Human and economic geography deals with interaction of human being with environment. such as fishing, mining, agriculture activities, transportation, lumbering, tourism and manufacturing industry.

Practical geography deals with map work, research, survey, statistics map making and photograph

In ordinary and advanced level geography subject is taught according to those three branches which make leaners to be competent in all aspects of geography subjects.

The notes provided here are more competent arranged according to students demands. All notes arranged according to Tanzania syllabus. There are arrangement of subtopic and specific objectives that a leaner supposed to learn according to syllabus.





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Generally, all these branches drive the knowledge of geography to students and make them to become important expert to Tanzania nation.

Why is important to study geography?

  1. 1. Understanding the Environment; Geography subject helps students to understand knowledge of environment conservation taught in geography

  2. 2. Economic Development: Through studying geography helps people to acquire knowledge such as agriculture, fishing and tourism skills that can be applied to boost our economy.

  3. 3. Cultural and Social Context; Geography subject teaches how to preserve our culture and country heritage

  4. 4. Develop people's proffessional; geography subject encourages people to have different proffessional such as teachers, pilot and engineer

Scenario of geography topics ordinary level
Geography topics arranged in sequence to ensure students understand from beginning to the end. In briefly form one starts with introduction of geography that's make students to have concept of geography and then there are topics such as map work, weather, climate and major features of the earth which have relationship with other topics to other classes. For example, a student learns map work in form one and map reading and interpretation in form three.

The basis of ordinary level helps students to develop their study in advanced level and tertiary level

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