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Form five selection and join instructions 2023/2024

Form five selection 2023/2024 | Form five Join instructions |Form five selection|TAMISEMI all schools | Form five students selections 2025 | Form five students selection all schools Tanzania | All section and join instruction in pdf

We are insight for you to download join instructions of all Advanced level schools in Tanzania and form five selection. Among of the join instructions provided here are update since 2021/2022 though most of instructions are not change much. For further information download the join instructions and use phone number of school to get more updates.

Form five Second selection 2024 "majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa kidato cha awamu ya pili"


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Form five selection 2023/2024

Also you can visit TAMISEMI website here  (tamisemi.go.tz) )

How to get your join instruction?

  • After clicking link above Fill in your Form Four Examination index Number and click on Search and the system will provide you with Joining instructions and Selection Results

Download latest update Join instructions here for academic year 2024/2025. If you're join instructions is not included here visit TAMISEMI website for more information.

To get Your FORM FIVE Joining instruction 2024/2025 follow these simple steps below.

Click here to see form five join instruction students selection

Responsibility of TAMISEMI

TAMISEMI's responsibilities are carried out at three levels: Headquarters, Regions, and Local Government Authorities. According to the Presidential Instrument issued in April 2016, these responsibilities include:

1. Coordinating the implementation of Urban and Rural Development Policy and the Decentralization by Devolution (D by D) approach.

2. Coordinating urban services like transportation, water, and environmental sanitation.

3. Managing the Teachers' Service Commission.

4. Coordinating and overseeing Regional Authorities to empower them to fulfill their duties.

5. Coordinating the management and operation of primary and secondary schools nationwide through Local Government Authorities (LGAs).

6. Building the capacity of OR-TAMISEMI staff for effective duty execution.

7. Supervising the performance of Agencies, Institutions, Programs, and projects under OR-TAMISEMI.

Structure of OR-TAMISEMI

As per the Structure approved by the Presidential Implementation Committee (PIC) in 2017, OR-TAMISEMI comprises 11 Departments and 6 Units, with a total of 11 Directors, 25 Assistant Directors, and 6 Unit Heads. Additionally, it oversees seven (7) Institutions.

The 11 Departments are as follows

1. Administration and Human Resources Department.

2. Policy and Planning Department.

3. Information Technology and Communication Department.

4. Legal Services Department.

5. Infrastructure Development Department.

6. Regional Administration Department.

7. Local Government Department.

8. Sector Coordination Department.

9. Education Management Department.

10. Urban Development Department.

11. Health, Social Welfare, and Nutrition Department.

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